St Joseph's, Tara - Term 3 Week 8 2022 Newsletter
Our Vision & Mission Statements
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
National Child Protection Week
Next week is National Child Protection Week. Students will participate in student protection activities such as the World's Biggest Student Protection Lesson, safety poster design and age appropriate teacher led lessons.
Our school community believes that keeping students safe is essential. We believe that it is everybody's business to ensure all students are safe. Please discuss with your child, the student safety flyer, ensuring your child knows the 5 on the hand safety support people in their lives.
The School Student Protection contacts are myself, Suzanne Whelan and Susan Rodd. All staff and volunteers are trained in Student Protection annually.
Three Way Learning Meetings
Three way learning meetings are underway. Thanks to the students for sharing their learning strengths and goals with the parents so far and to the parents for supporting the students and the school in planning for success in their next step goals.
If you have not had a three way learning meeting with Mrs Smith, she will reschedule the learning meetings for early next term. Miss Fisher is very excited to catch up with parents before the holidays.
Kite Festival
"Let's go fly a kite" was certainly the theme of the Kite Festival run by The Tara Futures Group on Saturday. Kites Queensland brought the most wonderful kites such as camels, horses, snakes, octopus, stingrays and flew them at the festival. Kite flying bring such joy to the young and the not so young.
I was very proud of the St. Joseph's students who entered the kite flying and decorating competitions. Bentley Tucker won the Highest Kite in 10 seconds and Damon Grose won the Best Decorated St. Joseph's kite.
A huge thank you to the wonderful parent volunteers who prepared, cooked and served on the P & F Fildelish Food Stall. The Filipino food was delicious as always. We are so fortunate to have such hard workers and talented chefs. Well done team. The money raised, supports the school in meeting the needs of the students.
Transition Day
Thanks to all who participated in the Transition day last week. The 2023 Prep students settled in very well and enjoyed getting to know the routines of the school and how to be a learner and make friends. There will be three transition days in term 4, so keep your eye out for the flyer!
Speaking Competition
This week students courageously took part in the St. Joseph's Speaking Competition. All students who participated presented persuasive speeches. The students going through to the Tara and District Speaking Competition being held in Glenmorgan this Thursday are Tamarah Leis and Jorjah Furniss in the 3/4 category and Keira Furniss and Jasmine woods in the 5/6 category. Well done and our community will be think of you tomorrow.
Health and Physical Education
We wish Ella and Aldrich the very best as they compete at the South West Trials this Thursday.
St. Joseph's students have been developing their gymnastics skills under the coaching of Dalby PCYC instructors and thanks to Sporting Schools Funding. There will be three coaching sessions.
Buddy Peacock and his NRL team a ran the P-6 students through their footy paces. Great fun was had by all. We have some budding footballers coming through.
Pupil Free Day
This Friday 2nd September is a pupil free day for students.
School Officers will participate in role related professional development such as finance and supporting student needs.
Teachers will participate in moderation or consistency of teacher judgement with teachers from Inglewood and Mitchell. During the process, the teachers share evidence or samples of student work that is At the expected year level (C), Above the expected level (A or B) or Below the expected year level (D or E).
The last day of term the 16th September is also a pupil free day. This is a rural and remote travel day for staff.
Year 3-6 have been learning about the Gold Rush. Next week they are off on a mining exploration excursion. It will be a day of gold panning and digging, loads of learning and tons of fun. A special thanks to Mr Smith for organising this exciting opportunity for the year 3-6 students.
Under and Over 8's Day
Parents please join your child to participate in Under and Over 8's Day on Friday 9 September from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. St Joseph's is delighted to be hosting for the Small Schools in the region, including playgroups and Kindy. Activities include face painting, obstacle courses, bubble blowing, Beach to Bush and Emergency service displays, storytelling, spero robotics and virtual reality, tennis, giant games, badge making, pencil case and bag decorating, playdough, necklace making, ipad activities, basket weaving and more!
Absence Notification and Medical Certificate
Reminder: Same day notification with reason for student absence is required as usual. Please note, a medical certificate from your doctor is required after a two days absence.
2023-2024 Enrolments Now Open
2023-2024 Enrolment applications are now open! 2023 Prep interviews are currently taking place. Please spread the word that NOW is the time to apply to enrol in St. Joseph's Tara for 2023-2024.
Mary Porter
"Work on humbly with means God has placed at your disposal." Mary Mackillop (1886)
"Act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
From the APRE
Isabella and Jason French joined Bishop Robert, Fr. Jack and the Parish community in Moonie to receive their First Eucharist and Confirmation. Congratulations Jason and Bella!
Fr Jack asks that if your child is baptised and would like to receive the sacraments please let him and the school know. You can get a sacrament enrolment form from Fr. Jack. Fr Jack is happy for the school to teach about the sacraments in preparation for receiving the sacraments.
Miss Fisher and the P-2 class invite you to share in an end of term liturgy of the word celebration on Wednesday 14 September at 2.15 p.m.
Learning at St Joseph's
With Mrs Bowman on leave, she has left Miss Lee and myself the tasks of making the junior fiction area of the library more meaningful and colourful for our younger readers as well as preparing the library for next terms Book Fair.
The library will be transformed into the “ Wonderful Land of Oz “ in preparation of our celebrating all thing books when the children will be invited to come dressed as a character from L Frank Baum’s “ Wizard of Oz” and join in on a day of activities, that will definitely NOT be from Kansas.
Children have already joined in with reading the book, visiting the 1939 movie as well as creating wonderful pieces of art work.
The task of changing the face of the junior fiction has commenced, with picture books now being grouped in subject areas instead of author’s names. So all books relating to animals, transport, science or celebrations will all be in the one place.
ALL children at this stage of the year are encouraged to borrow at least one readable book each week to help in their reading growth. Many suitable titles are available for all students, including Prep.
Remember to return books each week, even if only to renew a favourite for another week.
In the words of Walt Disney ,
“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island”
Greg Smith,
Relieving Librarian.
Photo Time
P & F News
Father's Day Stall - Our Fathers day stall is running in the morning before school and during playtime from the 31st - 1st of September.
We wish all of our Dads, Grandfathers and Uncles a wonderful Father's Day!
Tara Kite & Kulture Festival - A big thank you to the Parents and Staff that helped out over the course of 3 days to organise, prepare, setting up/packing up and serving at the Kite Festival. Without your continuous help and dedication we wouldnt be where we are!
Homestyle Bake - This terms fundraiser is our annual Pie drive! We raised over $350! A big thank you to all the Parents, Staff, family members and community members who have put an order in to help fundraise for student needs! On the 7th of August you will be contacted by the office for collection, for larger orders you may be contacted on the 6th.
Tuckshop - GREAT NEWS- volunteers do not have to be vaccinated to work in the tuckshop or school any more!
We are in desperate need of volunteers for tuckshop duty. If you require a form, please contact the office for either the Volunteer or Induction form. They can be emailed to you or sent home with your child.
From the Parish
St Mary Of The Angels - Tara
Mass Times
Tara: Friday: 9am
Saturday: 6pm
Moonie: Sunday: 9:30am
on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday of the Month
Meandarra: Sunday: 7:30am
on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month
Glenmorgan: Sunday: 9am
on the 4th Sunday of the Month
Parish Priest: Fr Jack MacGinley
Presbytery: 4665 3401 (Tara)
St Joseph's Awards
Silver Award Recipients
Jasmine Wood & Ella Sinclair
Bronze Award Recipients
Rhys Warwick, Kaesha Partridge, Malia Adhikary, Milly Lobley, Cooper Davis & Jorjah Furniss
Students Of The Week
Week 7 -
Week 8 - Charlotte Partridge, Tamarah Leis & Decklin Bramich
From the Administration Officers
PLEASE attend to your school fees and big thank you to those making regular payments and those who pay their fees on time.
Term 3 fees reminder letters will be issued next week.
*Direct Deposit:
Bank: ADF
Name: St Joseph’s School
BSB: 064-786
ACC: 100025583
Reference: Your Name.
*Centrelink Centrepay Deduction Payments can be made fortnightly or monthly. The School’s CRN: 555075545A
Not Sure how it’s done? Ask at the office for Assistance.
Term Dates
*Term 1 2022 – Tue 25 Jan (Public Hol 26 Jan) - Fri 1 Apr
*Term 2 2022 – Wed 20 Apr - Fri 24 Jun
*Term 3 2022 – Tue 12 Jul - Thurs 15 Sep
*Term 4 2022 – Tue 4 Oct - Thurs 1 Dec
Wellbeing Matters
Student Safety
THE 2022 STUDENT PROTECTION CONTACTS: Sue Whelan Mary Porter Susan Rodd (Counsellor)